No Poem Today

No poem today for Open Link
no inspiration came my way
my Muse told me she couldn’t think
I’m sorry, there’s no poem today
I wish to speak to you in verse
but cannot think of any rhymes
I cannot think of much that’s worse
but that’s the way it goes sometimes
I hope that in two weeks from now
I’ll have a poem to share with you
but for right now, I must allow
my Muse to think of something new
I am so sorry that today
I have to poem to send your…hey wait a minute…!


Sharing this for Open Link Night at dVerse. Come on by and share your own poetry, or just browse through “Mr. Linky” to read the works of some fabulous poets!

Oh…and tomorrow is the start of NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month).  Why not join the fun at

NaPoWriMo – T minus 1


National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) begins tomorrow.  Are you up for the challenge of writing 30 poems in 30 day?  If you are, click on the banner up above and submit your blog.  Check the site daily for prompt ideas (or you can do your own thing), and then add your link.

It would be great to see as many as possible participate.  And don’t worry if you are not from the USA.  I’m not (I’m proudly Canadian).  Let’s turn National poetry writing month into International poetry writing month and become one world-wide community of poets!

A Psalm

Why do I cast my gaze downward
when troubles come my way?
When tormentors seem to come
from every side,
why do I despair?
I retreat like a turtle
within his shell when
the wicked come my way
even though I long to
stretch my wings and soar
high above these earthly trials.

But no longer shall my eyes be downcast,
for I know where I might seek help
and in whom I can take refuge.

I lift up my eyes to the mountains
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD
The maker of heaven and earth.


Italicized portion of my poem is Psalm 121:1-2 (NIV)

Written for dVerse, where Lynn has asked us to use mountains as our inspiration.  Mountains and poetry made me think of Psalm 121 (a song of ascents).

Permanence of Brevity

when cherry blossom
scatter –
no regrets (Issa)

Why are we attracted to sculpture and painting, poetry and song? These man-made attempts at recreating the natural beauty of the world around us cannot hope to fully replicate the subject being replicated.

There are those who might argue that a painting of cherry blossoms cheapens the experience because the very impermanence of the blossoms is part of their beauty. I would argue, though, that because art is not a re-creation, but merely a reminder of the real thing, that it is, in its own right, beautiful.

Perhaps art is a single bite of a much larger banquet, but oh, what a delicious bite it is!

the brevity of
cherry blossoms – eternal
in silver and ink


The above piece inspired by Kanzen Sakura’s prompt at dVerse, and by this beautiful coin recently released by the Royal Canadian Mint.

cherry blossom

(Celebration of Spring coin can be found at the Royal Canadian Mint web page)



Spring is Here

I think I heard that Spring is here!
that lovely time when green things grow
and sun’s descent begins to slow

it is my favourite time of year
but still I wish to cry, here’s why:
there’s one thing that is far too clear

outside there’s still a foot of snow
…I thought I heard that Spring is here…


at dVerse, Victoria has introduced us to a form called the Octain Refrain.  It comprises of 2 tercets and a couplet in iambic tetrameter or pentameter (poet’s choice).  Rhyme scheme is A-b-b, a-c/c-a, b-A.  Capital A denotes that the first line is echoed in the final line, and some variation is allowed.  The middle line of the 2nd tercet contains internal rhyme.

By the way, a “foot of snow” might be a slight exaggeration.

Spring Thaw

Sunlight kisses the land with warmth
and snow soon turns to
pleasure pools for
rubber booted children.

As the sun begins to sink,
shrieks of joy are replaced
by mothers’ calls to “come in!”

and soon those children
……to mud
………on the floor


The word for dVerse Quadrille #5 is “melt”

Song of Fire – Part V – As the Embers Fade and then Glow Anew

As the embers fade and then glow anew
in a manner reminiscent of some
fiery creature’s beating heart…as a few
sparks leap skyward like they have really come
from the stars, and after a short visit would
return from whence they came…as the flames dance
as to some secret melody…we could
easily imagine that there’s a chance
that the flames are alive and wish to speak
to us, but in a tongue we do not know.
It’s easy to believe that if we seek
the flames’ wisdom, then our knowledge will grow
as a log is placed to help the flames swell
we find ourselves in a delightful spell


Today is Open Link Night at dVerse – the night where there is no prompt, and poets are invited to share any one piece that they choose.  If you have been following my progress on my “Song of Fire” sonnet cycle, you will see that I have switched gears quite a bit with this piece.  I wanted to convey the hypnotic effect that fire can have, and the many things that we might imagine as we enjoy a crackling blaze.

To see the entire cycle thus far, click here.  To read my completed cycle, “Water”, click here.

Et Tu Brute?

When many men each held a knife
and plunged those blades through Julius’ skin
Did Caesar notice every blow
or was one cut the greatest sin?

When Brutus looked down at his hand
did his thoughts stray from his grim goal
was he just just helping slay a king
or was he stabbing his friend’s soul?

When hands of love refuse to care
The Ides of March is come. Beware!


the prompt at dVerse is “hands”. Today, being the Ides of March, I could not resist “taking a stab” at using hands in connection with Caesar’s death.