
oh how
I long to shine
like a beacon in the dark
guiding the weary traveler
To safety and rsest

oh how
I long to shine
like a beacon in the dark
but too often I find
that I merely flicker
and burn out


For dVerse. My muse has been flickering recently, but shone brightly enough today to write a Quadrille (poem of 44 words) including the prompt word “flicker”

Salt and Pepper

there’s salt and pepper at my temples
and salt and pepper in my beard
yes my hair’s colour proves that I
am getting older (as I feared)
and while it would be nice
to be youthful forever, I think
I’d miss that peppery spice!


for dVerse. Quadrille challenge is to write a 44 word poem including the word “pepper”.

Lawnmower Man



folks are hunkered down
in bunkers ‘neath the earth
but one brave dude still mows his lawn
and whistles tunes with mirth
“storms won’t stop my chores”
he tells his friends, “becoz’
I really want to go and meet
that wizard guy in Oz”


a few days ago, a tornado passed near the town of Three Hills, Alberta (Canada).  One brave (insane?) guy decided to continue mowing his lawn, and his wife took this picture.  When asked about why he would continue doing yard work, he told reporters, “I was keeping an eye on it”.  As far as I know, he wasn’t really hoping for a free ride to Oz.

Sharing this with dVerse, where the Quadrille prompt this week is to use the word “storm”

Helium Dreams

when the string is released
does the helium balloon
rejoice at her newfound freedom?
does she laugh exultantly
that she can soar so high
without constraint?
does she boast
about the sights she sees?

or does she feel fear
in losing you
her anchor?


written for the dVerse Quadrille balloon prompt

When the grey clouds descend

when the grey clouds
descend until they
ghost the tops
of buildings and trees,
does the river whisper
in all seriousness,
“my cousin has come
to visit me?”
and when the rains
begin to fall
does the lake ask
why her sister is weeping?


written in response to two prompts today. At dVerse, the prompt is to write a quadrille (poem of 44 words), including the word “ghost” (this prompt goes live at 3pm ET). At the Daily Post, the prompt word is “seriousness”

A Sonnet for the dVerse Quadrille Challenge. Yes. I *am* crazy.

it dawned on me
tis hard to write
when sonnets be
wound up this tight
you cannot fit
much more than three
words and a bit
per line although
you’re trying hard
you’ll surely know
you must discard

perhaps you’ll fail?
bemoan bewail!


Although I love the quadrille challenges at dVerse, it does make it very challenging to write such forms as the sonnet…unless, of course, you’re willing to use dimeter instead of pentameter  🙂


secrets should be told with care
don’t throw them everywhere
as with water in a jar
one small crack, it spreads afar
speak whispers in the night
hear them shouted in the light
with your secrets, oh take care
or you’ll hear them everywhere


“whisper” is the word for today’s Quadrille challenge at dVerse. I dare you to come and share your own 44 word poem that includes the word “whisper.”


breathe deeply the soft scent of blue
and dance to the sad sounds of yellow
feel the rough texture of green
and savour the rich taste of brown
don’t look, but see,
perhaps for the very first time
with more than just your eyes


I don’t have synesthesia, but I do remember playing a piano piece once that was written in the key of D-minor, and to me, the song was distinctly yellow.

Quadrille prompt (44 word poems) at dVerse today. Word of the day is “breathe”. Also written for day 21 of NaBloPoMo