I Don’t Believe in Death

I don’t believe in death.
I do believe that my organs
will eventually fail –
my heart will stop, or
my liver or kidneys
or lungs will cease to function.
I do believe that my body will fail
my skin will decay
and given enough time, even
my bones will be reduced to dust
Oh yes, I believe that my body will die
but I do not believe in death.
I cannot fathom the idea
that my essence, my being,
my soul will ever be extinguished
I cannot fathom that this body
is anything more than a pot
and that when that pot finally breaks,
the contents – the soul will still be alive
and will be transplanted
into something more beautiful
more glorious
more real
more eternal
and so
I do not believe in death.


Today is OLN at dVerse.

18 thoughts on “I Don’t Believe in Death

  1. I, too, can’t stand to think of death being the end and our concept of what happens after death is similar. I can’t stand to think of memory ending either, but as a writer I have often felt inspired by something approaching memory of past lives or experience.

  2. I believe like you do, Bryan. I can’t imagine that we have this one span of time where this body houses our soul and then when the body dies…that we are no more. I enjoyed your philosophical musings.

  3. I totally agree 🙂 Perhaps the essence of us is scattered into the solar system and then, a shooting star makes its way across the sky and we are reborn? 🙂

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